Welcome friends & colleagues!!!

I hope to continue to post about what techniques that I am using with my literacy groups this year and others that I have seen my amazing colleagues using!!!

About the Author

My name is Brooke and I have been teaching for the past 6 years at an elementary school.  My first year teaching I was trained as a Reading Recovery teacher.  I worked as a Reading Recovery teacher for 5 years and also provided support for classroom teachers by teaching guided reading groups as well.  Now, I am a reading intervention teacher and teach small guided reading & acceleration groups all day.  I work in grades 1-4 this school year.  My main focus is supporting classrooms by pushing in or pulling out during the guided reading block.  My partner and I each teach 10 groups per day and usually work with the struggling students.  We also help to coordinate the RTI process.

I feel so lucky to have had Reading Recovery training.  It was really intense and a year long process to become certified.  Once I was trained, I was able to participate in monthly Continuing Contact meetings with my trainer and all of the other trained teachers.  These meetings were so amazing and where I really learned to determine the specific needs of an at-risk reader and learn how to specifically teach them the strategies they would need to accelerate.  I was able to watch live lessons each month and learn from my colleagues.  I take what I learned from those five years, along with the many workshops I received while working in an at-risk school, and apply it to my teaching now.  I recently finished my masters' degree in elementary education over the summer, with a focus on reading as well.    

Teaching children to read is a passion of mine.  It is clear to me how much I love it and how much I think about it when I'm not at work!!  I hope to share this passion with all of my readers and followers!

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